
Amazing Brownie Sugar Cookies

December 21, 2012

Christmas is just a few days away. It’s hectic, I know.  The shopping, the wrapping, the decorating… it’s just overwhelming after a while!  And then there’s the food… This holiday season, I find myself in a teensy, tiny kitchen with almost no counter space.  Most of the cooking stuff I’ve acquired over the years is […]

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Holiday Goodies Galore!

December 30, 2011
Thumbnail image for Holiday Goodies Galore!

A couple days before Christmas, I got home from an exhausting day at work and plopped down in a chair. I had a lot of last-minute holiday baking to do, but all I wanted to do was relax. As I tried to motivate myself to just do it, I glanced at my bedroom door and […]

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